Retreats and Workshops

Throughout the year, I host retreats and workshops in various locations. These workshops are designed to give you insights into your own inner workings so that you can optimise your mind and body which is key to your success and performance in work and in life.

I will take you through the steps to having a bullet proof mindset, unshakeable self-confidence and help you overcome any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

The retreats and workshops vary, but typically include:

The sessions are fun, interactive, and will leave you feeling revitalised and ready to take on the world!

If selfcare is missing from your life, come along and learn tools which will enable you to reach your best self.


Mrs Brain Trainer’s session will change your life. It will change the way that you think, change the way you perceive things, and it stops all that negative self-talk and energy…go and find out when she’s doing one of her events…you should one million percent go…it’s fantastic.

Molly F

Thank you….Thank you! There isn’t enough words to really express my gratitude to you. I feel amazing and I’m excited. It’s been a while since I had clarity and feel like my mind’s clear. That internal list of to-dos is no longer relevant. I’ve feeling motivated, light, FREE. My mantra has been playing round my head since I left. Even my partner commented “this woman’s magic”.

Natalie R

Was truly humbled with this workshop. Amanda was amazing. Will definitely do another one.

Elaine S

Took so many positives away from today and feel ready to tackle life with a totally different perspective.

Megan M